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DATROX - Montréal


DATROX Computer Technologies Inc.  /
Technologies Informatiques Datrox Inc.

5985 Chemin St-Francois
St-Laurent, QC
H4S 1B6
Tél: (514) 335-3050
Fax: (514) 335-3051

USA - EU ( Satellite Office / Bureau Satellite )

816 Elm Street, #143
Manchester, NH

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DATROX – Nouveau Site Web

Bienvenu ? tous !

We have been serving our trusting clients for well over 20-years (since 1992), and are not showing any signs of stopping any time soon !

So, we are giving our image a fresh new start, and announcing a brand new website that we hope will better support our clients, and convey in a more accurate way our culture of excellence.

With profound gratitude, we thank you for your trusted support since 1992, and look forward to the next two decades of service.

Robert Daoust

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